Salut tout le monde!
I know it has been awhile since I have blogged. It’s easy to get wrapped up in studying abroad. Traveling a lot, social events and the occasional exams you tend to loose track of time. I can’t believe it’s March 23rd! Since my last blog post I have done a lot and gone to a lot of places! Arles, Avignon, and Paris. As soon as I got back I was bombarded with four exams on one day and one the following week. The French don’t think is more convenient to mash all the exams together in one day… good idea.
Also I haven’t been too motivated to blog about my experience. I think I caught a little bit of culture shock. Living in France for 2 months you start to miss little things from home. For example going for a run and not getting weird looks like you’re from a different planet or being able to go the grocery store on Sundays. I really miss the grading structure of American Universities too. I like to be able to check my progress in classes. I miss you ANGEL! Right now I honestly have no idea how my grades are going to go… but that’s not what studying abroad is about. It’s about the experience! Before I came here I thought I would be speaking french all the time and I would be going to this amazing university built in the 1200’s where my professors would be helpful and excited to make our foreign experience a time to remeber. Unfortunately this is not the case. I speak English the majority of the time, the school is known for being one of the worst ones in Montpellier, and my teachers like to point out your faults and disregard your accomplishments. It’s quite obvious I get a better education in the states, but I do pay for it.
Even with all my unfortunate surprises, the hard days I face here in France and the fact that sometimes I just miss the comfort of America, I am so happy and grateful I have the opportunity to study in another country and experience a new life for a semester.
Stay tuned for separate blog posts of the places I’ve traveled and my experiences!
� tout!
Location: Montpellier, France
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