La semaine dernière

Salut tout le monde!

So this week has been quite busy for me. I started classes and went to a lot of awesome places! Last Saturday I went to a match du football (soccer game) Montpellier vs. Nice. It was a lot of fun! I went with a couple of my friends and one of them brought her host brother.  Of course Montpellier won! The stadium wasn’t very elaborate but the atmosphere was very similar to an American sporting event. There were groups banging drums, waving flags and yelling chants “Allez Montpellier!” the entire game. However it was weird that not many fans wore the Montpellier colors Blue and Orange. C’�tait genial! 
On Sunday we went to the zoo and the best part was it was free! There were monkeys, snakes, rhinos, giraffes and my favorite, ostriches. There were so many families and little kids running around playing. It was a great way to spend a Sunday.


After a great weekend we had to face the inevitable, classes. Unfortunately studying abroad means you actually have to study. We got our results from our placement test on Monday. I placed in B1. Most students place in A2 or B1. I was surprised to be placed in the higher group considering my lack of French courses, but I was a little excited to get started. My courses are mostly language and grammar, but we can also take two optional courses. I think I am going to choose Economy and Sociology and either Theater or Culture and Heritage.Good news is I don’t have class on Mondays. Bad news is I have class until 7:30pm on Thursdays and each of my classes are an hour to two hours long. I am really not used to this and I am not liking it! 
Our classes are with other foreign students as well. I made friends with a Belgian girl, a Norwegian girl and a guy from Columbia. I love the diversity. However we all speak English so we rarely use French for communication, which I think is a little upsetting because I was hoping to utilize my French more than I currently am. That being said I feel I definitely am missing out not living with a host family. The apartment is nice because you are independent, but at this point I feel my French has barely improved and I am not experiencing real French life. The program does offer the opportunity to contact French families just to meet and converse, something I am planning on doing. 
My diet so far has been a lot a lot a lot and even more bread. I’ve had many croissants and baguettes and also plenty of cheese and wine. Of course it is delicious, but I am getting a little tired of all the carbs. I plan on going to grocery store and incorporating some fresh fruits and vegetables back into my life. 
Finally to end my week, a ski trip to the French Alps! It was a really great experience. I may not be the best skier, but it was a weekend I will never forget. About 50 students from our program went. We stayed in a lodge where we enjoyed each other’s company, some great food and of course a ski adventure! On Saturday I took a lesson to brush up on my skills. I have skied before, but I am not that coordinated. After feeling somewhat confident I decided to go up the mountain to a blue slope. To my surprise it was so much more difficult than the slopes I am used to. I fell countless times and really strugled. After managing to survive I think I had had enough for the day. On Sunday it was back to the slopes where I was determined to redeem myself. I went down the mountain again, after an intense photoshoot at the top of course, and had a blast! I didn’t fall as much and I really felt I was getting better. 
It was shocking to see all the young children skiing who were so much better than I was. Skiing seems to be not just a past time, but a passion in France. 
I am looking forward to creating more incredible memories like this in the weeks to come! Until the next adventure.
� bient�t!

Location: Montpellier, France

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