C’est Bizarre!

Since I’ve been in France I have realized several things that are very different than America.

  1. They are very eco- friendly. You have to use reusable bags at the grocery store and you are rarely given plastic bags at small stores.
  2. Smoking is very sociably acceptable. People smoke all the time everywhere.
  3. Makeup and beauty products are a lot more expensive. O.P.I. nail polish was 14€, and I though $7 was expensive!
  4. You can stay in a restaurant for awhile, they won’t rush you like in America.
  5. Dogs are everywhere! In the mall, in the streets and even on the tram, but I’m not sure if that was allowed.
  6. People don’t grocery shop once every two weeks like in America. They buy things when they need them. Food is a lot more fresh!
  7. Electricity is a lot more expensive, so people rarely leave lights on when not needed.
  8. Public bathrooms are very rare and if you find one it is most likely very disgusting.
  9. Not everyone is mean! The French have a reputation of being snooty and rude, but actually some people are very willing to help you out. I even got a random compliment from a French woman. You just have to know the people to talk to.
  10. Despite the stereotype, not all French people wear berets. However they all seem to wear leather jackets.
  11. Almost everyone speaks or knows a little English. When someone says something that I don’t understand I say “Pardon?” and they may repeat themselves in English.  It is nice to be able to communicate, but it makes it harder to learn French.
  12. Clothes are made for smaller people. In America I am usually an XS or S, but in France I’m either a S or M. Talk about a blow to your self-esteem.
  13. Cars are also a lot smaller and they all look very similar. People also seem to park in very obscure spots. They also for most part just drive stick, so I’m sure I won’t be doing any driving in France.
I’m sure I will discover a lot more differences during my time abroad. Everyday I discover something new. I am starting to feel a little less out of place and a little more at home each day!

À Bientôt!

Location: Montpellier, France

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2 thoughts on “C’est Bizarre!


    Hi Emily! I must admit…I’m really jealous of you getting to spend all your time in France; however, I can definitely see some similarities between there and the UK. First off, DOGS, DOGS, DOGS! I’ve never seen so many dogs, and so many of them aren’t on a leash…Have you noticed that at all? The shopping when you need to is so interesting to me as well. I was surprised when I walked into a grocery store and couldn’t find any big carts, only little ones and baskets. Also, leather jackets are everywhere here to! Although, I am slightly disturbed by the number of fur coats I’ve seen. European fashion is clearly something I’ll have to get used to. Hope you continue to have a fantastic time!


    I have noticed a lot of the same things since being in the UK! I thought it was really weird that someone brought their dog onto the bus until I started to see the dogs everywhere! I also realized the food is more fresh when I bought peppers at the market and they went bad in two days! When we get back to the states we are going to be so confused that they hand out plastic bags like nothing and we aren’t walking through clouds of smoke! Have fun!!

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