Hi Everyone!
My name is Jazmin. I am junior at Penn State, and I will be studying abroad in England for this spring semester. I have always wanted to study in a different country, so I am really grateful that I am getting the opportunity to spend my spring semester in England! I love being exposed to different cultures, and I am extremely excited about living in England for the next five months.
This will be only my second time going to a different country and my second time on a plane. The first time I traveled outside the US was for my sister’s recent wedding in Jamaica. It was great experience, and I learned that I am actually not afraid to fly on planes like I previously thought.
I am Human Development & Family Studies major with a Political Science minor. I will be attending the University of Leeds while in England. The courses I will be taking will focus on both my major and minor; however, I was just informed today that there is conflict between two of my courses. I have to admit that I did panic a bit, but I am currently working with Leeds to hopefully fix the conflict.
With this blog, I hope to share all my experiences with students, family, my Penn State York family, and others interested in studying abroad. To make packing easier, I am now going to attempt to organize/gather things that I need to pack. The next time I blog, I will be England!!
~ Jazmin
Location: Leeds, UK
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