Hello all! Stephanie Caverno here, kicking off a blog about my journey to Copenhagen, Denmark, and hopefully other European destinations. I leave for Denmark in exactly one week, giving me plenty of time for anxiety attacks about forgetting something, freaking out and futilely trying to learn Danish, and sharing the whole ordeal with all of you.
If you’re still with me, I’ll start out with a little about myself and my hopes for this blog. I am currently a junior at PSU studying Supply Chain Management, with a minor in International Business. I was born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, and come from an obnoxiously Penn State proud family. We have a Nittany Lion shrine stoically poised in our front yard. I think that says it all.
My primary goal with these entries is to help out future study abroad students. I’m sure there will be things I don’t pack that I should have (commence nervous breakdown) and things I pack that I could have done with out. I hope to share cool places around Copenhagen that I find; where to go and where to avoid.
The only advice I can give at this stage is PLAN EARLY. If you get papers from your study abroad program in the mail, open them, read them, and study them that day. That second, even. There really are a lot of steps involved in this process, and everything takes an excruciatingly long time. If you need to get a passport, get it early. Get everything you need done for your Visa out of the way as soon as you possibly can. I made the classic college student mistake of procrastination in this department, and my life turned into a Stephen King novel with me running around the streets of New York City searching for sanctuary in the Danish consulate. It was a mess. Don’t go down that road.
Another goal I have is to keep my friends and family up to date on my life. I especially want my mother to be in the loop when I find a European hunk, marry off, and decide against coming home. (Kidding of course, mother.)
I am incredibly excited to start this journey. I hope to make this blog into something useful for future students to read and plan for their travels, and for me to someday look back on and fondly remember my own.
Location: Greensburg, Pennsylvania
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