This week was filled with schoolwork. I had to give a presentation on Tuesday for my Professional Studies class. I think it went all right, but I will not know my mark until I get back to the States. It does not really bother me though. I now have four more assignments to do that are due in December, so my November will be very busy! This week was just very tiring. I felt as if all I did was homework. It happens.
However, I went on a trip to Oxford this Saturday. I had a very good time. I met up with my friend, Eveliina, and we spent the day exploring. We visited the University of St. Mary the Virgin and climbed the tower. When we got to the top of the tower, we saw a breath-taking view of the city of Oxford. It was unbelievable! Eveliina and I also visited Christ Church, where we saw the actual staircase that was in the Harry Potter films! You did not misread that. The famous staircase in the Harry Potter films is in Christ Church in Oxford, England. I know I have friends back home that are jealous of me. We ate lunch at Taylor’s Oxford and just walked around town. I am glad Eveliina and I went together because we had such a fun time!
The upcoming weeks will be filled with classes, research and stress! Wish me luck!
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
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