(Me (left) and my friend Shay (right) at an Equestrian team dinner)
Hello Hello!
I spent a lot of time trying to decide what I wanted to post and if I would even post before I left the country, nevertheless, here I am. So I will start by telling my readers a little about myself!
My name is Ericka Roberts and I am a sophomore at Penn State University, University Park campus. The second part of my sophomore year will be spent at Lincoln University in Christchurch, New Zealand. I studying Community, Environment and Development (a relatively new and little known major) with a specification in International Development. I am also studying Sociology (with a major interest in demography) and International Agriculture. Along with my studies I ride for the Penn State Equestrian team and absolutely love it.
It’s suggested that in the first entry bloggers talk about what they expect from their study abroad, preparation and all that. So I am just going to say that I am beyond nervous for this impending trip and going to the complete other side of the world! Don’t get me wrong I am so excited and I have been waiting for this for so long but nevertheless this is my first time traveling out of the country without my parents (who are both military, so we have lived all over the world) and both my brothers. It’s just a new feeling knowing you won’t have that support system when you come home, or just 4 hours away in the case of me going to PSU and being from Northern Virginia. But I know world travel is what I want otherwise I wouldn’t be spending my college career studying to get a job that has me do just that. This is just the first step toward getting used to that really being on your own in a foreign place feeling. I know I really want this. I am mostly looking forward to traveling all over both the islands, maybe even taken a flight to Australia, and learning about the Maori culture. That’s why I am trying to take at least a class or two on them hopefully through a sociology class. But really the more time I can spend outside exploring, hiking, and taking pictures the better.
The last thing I am going to address today is this packing fiasco. Like any other person my age I put my trust in Google to give me some advice on what to bring, what to leave and the major things not to forget. So far it’s been rather helpful besides the little tip I keep seeing about only bringing one suitcase of stuff and a carry on (not counting a purse)…this must be a suggestion for a man! You cannot tell a woman she should limit herself to one bag! What about all my jeans, skirts, swimsuits, dresses, suits, shoes, t-shirts, sweaters, pullovers, scarves, coats, shorts, workout clothes and anything else I require! I have to have options; I have to be ready for any fashion situation. One suitcase won’t cut it unless I make some serious sacrifices. Anyway, I will be sure to address it in my next post once I get to New Zealand (on the 21st of Feb.) and let everyone know how that went.
The next post will also hopefully also include a few pictures once I get to Christchurch (if I decide not to post until then) and will fill you all in on how the 25 hour flight went, my roommate and how the campus is in comparison to Penn State.
Until then,
stay beautiful everyone!
Location: VA, USA
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