Hey! Kat here. I hope you enjoy my GeoBlog and feel free to leave any comments or questions. I’ll be uploading photos and videos every week while I’m at Singapore to give you a taste at what life is like over there. I leave in a month and I can’t wait! It really hasn’t hit me yet. I’m sure it will on the 18 hour flight…
Location: State College, Pennsylvania
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Kat!! I am so glad I found you on here I wanted to get your info when we met at orientation. Your video is hysterical
Kat!! I am so glad I found you on here I wanted to get your info when we met at orientation. Your video is hysterical
Hi Katherine
This is lovely! I really liked the video. You did a great job!
I look forward to reading all your adventures in Singapore.
Have fun
This is wonderful Kat 🙂