Ahh, December. That time of the year when students start thinking about finals and then getting to go home and relax for a few weeks.
Oh wait, it’s December already? I have less than a month left in the United States! Well, for the next few months, that is.
It’s hard to believe that this semester is coming to a close, but as the saying goes “with every ending there is a new beginning.” It just so happens that my new beginning will be in Montpellier, France!
A brief introduction of myself: My name is Kelsey Robb, and I grew up in a small town outside of Boston, MA. I am currently a junior majoring in Advertising, with minors in French, Business, and International Studies. I am an avid fan of the Patriots, despite much backlash from the general community of football fans at Penn State. I enjoy running, football, and cooking.
As I mentioned before, I’m flying out of Boston on December 31st to spend New Year’s Eve on a plane (FYI, I HATE flying!) to my home for the next five and a half months. Am I nervous? Absolutely. Am I excited? You bet!
I can only imagine what adventures lie within the next few months of my semester abroad. If I could count the number of times I’ve been told how lucky I am to be studying overseas, I would be at a very high number. (Clearly, I’m not the most creative at comparisons.) I can’t wait to let the times roll and have the experience of a lifetime!
Jusqu’� la prochaine fois,
Location: State College, PA
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