
I do not really have any regrets.

There are things I would have done differently, but I do not regret any of my actions here in Hong Kong.

Some things I would have done differently:

  • Spend more time with my roommate
  • Got more involved instead of stopping at sports
  • Picked a different Hostel immediately when I seen the horror of mine
  • Not let my guard down – even if it was to test a friendship
  • Got a journal – even though I typed EVERYTHING or documented with Pictures.. 😀
  • Explored even more than I did – I believe there was so much more to see in Hong Kong
  • Switched up my crowds more – despite differences ideas of fun, interests, distance, etc
  • Bugged Penn State for more information before signing my life away


  • Go on this journey A LONG TIME AGO

   It was such a wonderful experience.  I learned so much about other people, myself, and what I want to do with my life.  Every student should consider an abroad experience – whether it is for a week or a year.  Just make sure you embrace the experience to its full potential!!!

Location: My Dorm Room, Morningside College, Clinic Road, CUHK, Hong Kong

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