A lot of people don’t understand that I am not cutting my opportunities short. They do not understand that my priority for coming here is SCHOOL first, everything else second. I planned to do things outside of school, but only if I am available to; gain something from it, will enjoy myself more than 80% of the time, and if I am surrounding myself with people I enjoy being around. I wanted to sit and think about what I have done so far, and I can very much say that If I had to leave Hong Kong today, I will be satisfied with what I have accomplished so far. So everything that happens or I am asked to be apart of is a bonus. Being pressured is not an option, because at the end of the day most people only worry about themselves. I do not want to be stuck in a situation that truly makes me unhappy because I did not look out for my best interest. So KEEP READING PT. 2 OF THIS ENTRY IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I’VE BEEN UP TO, BUT DIDN’T GET A CHANCE T BLOG ABOUT!
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