Hi! My name is Julia Neyhart, and I just wrapped up my freshman year at Penn State University Park. I’m double majoring in finance and economics, and I want to minor in international business and Spanish. I was born and raised in Clarks Summit, a small town outside the city of Scranton, Pennsylvania (does anyone watch The Office?). I have one older sister who studies chemcial engineering at the University of Michigan (I still love her) and two dogs, Corky and Honey, who I love to distraction.
I’ve always known that I want to travel as much as possible during college (you have to do your traveling while your parents are still paying). Over spring break, I went to the San Blas Islands off the coast of Panama with the Global Business Brigades, and this summer, I am going to study business for six weeks at Pforzheim University in Pforzheim, Germany, a small town in southwestern Germany with about 120,000 people. I don’t know any of the 19 other Penn Staters going on the trip although we have chatted a little on Facebook. Everyone I’ve talked to about this program says that it is a great experience to have fun, travel, and learn a lot about business and economics in the EU. With all of the controversy happening right now in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal (and Spain?), I think studying European economics in the EU will be a once in a lifetime experience! Tschuss!
Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania
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