3….2….1….Take-off? not quite :D

I’m horrible with letters… I feel like that is something I should tell everyone right now. I do love telling stories though. And this is a story about a girl named Megan (That would be me :D) and her chance to explore the world (London to be more specific)…


Before i get any further I’m going to apologize, yes i love telling stories – but i kinda suck at it… *shrugs* that’s life for ya.


But yeah, I’ve been honored with the chance to go to another country; more specifically another continent (for the first time in my life) and I couldn’t be happier! On the other hand, I couldn’t be more nervous! I’m starting to worry that I’ll gain more gray hairs then my gram before I even leave for Boston tomorrow…KIDDING…I’m a little too young for that 😛 . But seriously, this is a chance in a life time for me, and the fact that I get to express it lyrically (…okay maybe not so much lyrically but a girl can dream right? haha ;]) what I experience; well honestly, it blows my mind.  The Fact that I get to study Theatre and British Literature while I’m there? -Well if I knew what came after “it blows my mind” that’d be what’s going on right about here. So bastically, It’s a dream come true!

Now, not that any of you needed to know, but I still have to pack and I only have minus-24-hours to do so before I leave for BOS; so I wish all the best to everyone everywhere; and to the rest of the GeoBlogers from PSU (and to any person studying abroad) I hope you see everything to wish to see, taste every unique dish that is placed in front of you, embrace the differences, and that you learn, and live, and BE everything you’ve ever wanted while there…. And most importantly, I hope that you achieve everything you set out to achieve.

N�hd��n pian Lontooseen! (See you soon London!) 😀

Location: Newport, New Hampshire

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