Hola everyone! My name is Steph Brunner and I am writing to you from beautiful Sevilla, Espana! I am involved in the Seville Summer Language and Culture program through CIEE. This program operates as three 3-week sessions, and I am staying for all nine weeks!
I just finished my junior year as a psychology major with minors in Spanish and HDFS. At Penn State, I am a football cheerleader, a research assistant in a developmental psychology lab, the secretary of the Penn State Concert Choir, and a THON volunteer. Needless to say, I am very busy! I have known since high school that I wanted to study abroad, and I am so glad that I found the time in my jam-packed schedule to fit this experience into my undergraduate career!
I arrived in Sevilla on Wednesday May 18th. We stayed in the Hotel Melia-Sol until Friday afternoon when our host families picked us up. Here is a picture of the hotel!
Location: Seville, Spain
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