So, the past few days have just been a flurry of studying for exams. We had our wildlife ecology exam this afternoon and tomorrow brings Wildlife Management and Environmental Policy. I’m so excited for them to be over because that means it’s another non-program day and Serengeti is right around the corner! I won’t be able to update while I’m there ( I probably won’t even bring my computer) but keep an eye out next weekend for an insanely long post because I’ll have 5 days of craziness and excitement to talk about!
The only interesting thing we have done lately besides studying and reviewing is market day! This is the same market that we went to on February 7th right after we arrived. It was a lot more fun this time around because I’m not completely comfortable with walking around town and talking to the locals in Swahili. It was so much easier to navigate and find exactly what we wanted such as fabric, jewelery and clothing. Unfortunately, we had about 10 rastas following us around the whole time trying to sell their trinkets because they noticed we were there to buy a lot of things. We were there for almost an hour before finally heading back to the cars to try and escape the mayhem. While sitting in the car, waiting to leave we had another wave of people trying to sell their treasures through the windows. I bought a beautiful handwoven bowl from one mama and almost got a couple meters of fabric for free from a young guy who said I had a pretty face but when I wouldn’t give him my cell phone number and we started pulling away, I knew I wasn’t going to get that fabric! But, it was still a lot of fun. The only bad part was heading back to camp knowing we had a lot of work to do! On that note, I should get back to studying. Love from Africa!
Location: Rhotia, Tanzania
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