My First Trip: ¡Córdoba!

I finally feel like I am adjusting and getting into a routine, so it is becoming easier.  Class definitely helps with this.  I do have to say that listening and speaking in Spanish all day is absolutely exhausting.  English feels like a vacation for my head and is very comforting when I get to speak it or hear it.  I’m already making a few errors in English grammar and pronunciation when I switch back after a few hours of Spanish, so that is a good sign!  Don’t worry, though; my English will be back to normal once I am home for a few days.

I’ve also never been more aware of myself, my country, and my cultural customs before now.  Living in Spain is actually teaching me more about myself and my life in the States!  There is more to come on that.

So anyway, as the title of this post indicates, we went to Crdoba yesterday! It’s another town in the south of Spain near Seville, but it is smaller.  We went for the day on Saturday and visited the Mezquita-Catedral and one of the three most ancient synagogues in Spain.  We also went to what seemed like an Arab market, which I later found out only happens once a year there…so we were pretty lucky.  The following are a few pictures from the trip with some descriptions. Enjoy 🙂

This was the view of the town right after we got off of the bus:


This is just a cool view once we crossed the bridge and got into town:


The next two pictures are from the Mezquita-Catedral.  It traces its history back to 785 after the destruction of the martyry church of San Vicente. It became a Mosque and then a Cathedral in about 1236. The entire building is a mix between a Mosque and a Cathedral and is insanely beautiful.  It was really difficult to choose just two pictures to post (seeing as I probably took 40…), so the first one shows the Catholic influence and the second shows the Muslim influence.  If you are interested in these, I definitely recommend looking up more photos and info online.  It was amazing.



This was a beautiful area:


I took the next picture at the ancient synagogue.  You can’t see it in this photo, but there is Hebrew all over the walls in the carvings.


This last photo is of the market that I mentioned earlier.  There were many stands selling all different types of amazing candy, food, chips, jewelry, art, and much more.


This was a great town to visit!

Location: Córdoba, Spain

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