The clock is ticking. In aproximately 48 hours I will be on a plane headed for London and eventually Arusha, Tanzania. I have recently learned that I will be living out of my carry-on for four days now. The flight from Nairobi, Kenya to Arusha, Tanzania finally arrives relatively late in the day so we are staying there over night before finally making our way to the camp where the rest of our luggage awaits us. Getting there will be an experience all on its own!
I know there’s only one more day to get ready but I’m still not completely packed. I’m trying to bring as little as possible but weight is still an issue, with all the electronics and camping gear, I’m pretty sure the overweight baggage fee is inevitable. Unfortunately, I’m known among my friends as the “girl with overwieght luggage”. I seem to have a little bit of a packing problem – I always prefer to be overprepared – so the last time I went to Costa Rica on a school trip, I was reminded of it the whole time with a bright orage tag from the airlines reading – HEAVY LOAD. The only other kid who go a sticker like that had packed all of his photography gear…. Oh well. I’m trying really hard this time around! At least I have a little bit of an excuse… The only things left for me to do are collect important papers, treat my clothes with permethrin – a heavy duty insect repellent – and get these bags together! Tomorrow will be a scramble but my flight doesn’t leave til late on Tuesday night so I’m confident I can get everything done. I’m actually excited about the four days of travel because I’ll be able to get to know everyone before we are thrown into all the excitement!
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the next time you’ll hear from me, I’ll be in Tanzania! I would have never expected something like this to happen to me. This is the adventure of my dreams and I can’t believe I’m about to live it. I really look forward to bringing all of you with me 🙂 I will miss everything here but I know I will have the adventure of my life
tutuonana baadaye (see you later)
Location: Hershey, PA
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Jess you are so incredible! I just added this blog to my bookmarks so i can check up on you as much as possible. I’m so so so so proud of you and I know you’re going to have an amazing time! Have a safe trip! I’m following you all the way. I love you more than words can say, which you already know. Miss you already!
Mary xoxoxo
I’ll only be reading this everyday. I’ll be living through you these next few months Jess! I can’t believe it’s so close!!!