First Blog (If this works!)

My name is Claire Gray and this is my first attempt at blogging for Geoblog Penn State. I am a junior majoring in Supply Chain Management and International Politics. I’m setting off for London to start the new year in a new city. Although I am really excited to go, I am also just a little apprehensive about living in an actual city, and not being able to go home if I’m having a bad day.

 I’ve always thought that I belong in a country where football is played with your feet, and it only costs thirty bucks to get to Paris. Apart from being able to watch Liverpool play at reasonable hours, I am excited to be near my sister, who has been living in London for several years and to learn about the political and economic systems of the United Kingdom.
I’m excited to be a student blogger, partly because it will finally give me a chance to learn something about technology, but also as a way to stay in touch with my friends and family from home, and provide an outsider’s view of the city.
On-On to London! 

Location: Cedar Lab, State College, Pennsylvania

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