If any of you are wondering, which most of you probably are, t-minus 13 days is in reference to my birthday. Yep, you guessed it, the big one, the one every American college student yearns for…my 21st. One problem…it is rather anti-climatic since I can legally drink here. But still exciting, nevertheless!
I will also begin by saying that I am terrible at updating my blog. I kept with the “at least once per week” GeoBlog request, for about a month…and now it has been almost two months! Where has the time gone? Is it really November? What did I do in October? Well my dear readers, I will tell you. Not all that much, really. Definitely not a lot of homework, (whoops), some stressing about travel plans (still doing that), and a bit of travel around England. I have also discovered that I need to write approximately one-million essays in place of the final exams I will not be present for at the end of the spring term.
Concerning the essays – this is what has me the most stressed, ugh! I wouldn’t be so annoyed if a.) we had been informed about this even once before arriving here, or, I dunno, within the first month of being here; and b.) the system was more organized. There is literally no organization as far as international students are concerned. These essays may turn out to be a study-abroad buzz kill though, considering that all of my courses here are electives that I do not need, but the grades will transfer regardless. So, do I make the most of my time and not concern myself TOO much with the quality of my work, or do I spend all of my time and energy focusing on grades and not enjoy living in a foreign country? Tough choice. I guess we shall see what happens.
Moving onto more fun things: London and Oxford! I traveled to Oxford at the beginning of my reading week, with a friend named Anja. We were only there for about 5 hours, and since it was a Sunday most things didn’t open until later in the day. We mainly only got to see the outside of buildings, but did visit a couple of the colleges. It was absolutely a beautiful day, and Oxford is a lovely city. We visited St. Mary’s (gorgeous!)…
The interior was so beautiful and so old! I wish we had more time to read and explore there, but had to move on to some colleges! We visited one (sadly I cannot remember the name right now) which seriously resembled the sets of Harry Potter,
And Christchurch (the outside anyway),
Unfortunately, we did not get to visit the college where Harry Potter was actually filmed. I will make up for this though by going to see the movie AS SOON as it comes out (t-minus 15 days. Yes, I am actually counting down the days). Even more exciting, I will be in London the day after it comes out! So hopefully there will still be a lot of Harry-hype going on, and some craziness. I may even dedicate some of the day to searching for the Harry Potter cast. This will all be prior to a birthday dinner in London and seeing the Phantom of the Opera!
I suppose that the next few weeks will bring much more to write about, as I will be incredibly busy with my first round of deadlines, and going to Paris, London, and Zurich! I cannot even express how excited I am for all of these trips. Pictures and stories to follow shortly.
As far as a blog goes, I am aware that this one is not terribly interesting. Hope to correct that soon, way too crunched for time!
Location: Canterbury, UK
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Beatiful pictures of Oxford and loved your post (as always.)
Beautiful pictures!