As I write this, I�m in an internet locale called a �Locutorio� working on a computer (common in this city as many people don�t have internet at home), listening to Latin music with a half-Reggaeton beat, right across the street from the philosophy building of the University of Buenos Aires.
All of the socialist flyers and propaganda at the university aren�t for show. The students here are genuinely passionate about their beliefs. I just met a student while shopping for books and ended up talking about Obama�s/American imperialist policies, slanted media coverage and differences in political culture between the United States and Argentina.
It�s kind of a beautiful thing. I�m even taking a class here called �An approximation of a marxist analysis of culture, art and ideology.� I don�t think I�ve ever seen a class like it in tht States, where socialism is demonized.
I wish there was some way to capture what it�s like here in Buenos Aires. But it�s impossible. You�d have to write a book describing every little aspect, from way the flyers are presented at the university to the sense that to not be politically involved, as well as conscious and passionate about politics in the world at large, is to be in the minority.
We had an asado (roast, barbecue, meat) at my friend�s house two nights ago on Saturday. He lives with a Bolivian and there were two Argentines there. We spent the night dancing, playing music (singing, guitar, flute and this instrument called the Venezuelan cuatro) and discussing politics and religion on the roof of their house until 4:00 in the morning.
I can�t keep up with the photographs or entries anymore. So much is happening. I still have to post everything from our time in Iguaz�…
It�s like I�m living in a foreign film. I think a few people here could probably attest to the same feeling. There�s so much culture here, whatever that means, that it�s just oozing out my ears. It�s like you take in a deep breath and you taste Argentina with all of its nasty exhaust, dog crap and empanadas at the same time.
Whatever it is that this place has, it�s definitely something else. It�s probably why people like traveling so much. And yeah, I think I�m getting that travel bug.
Location: Puan 475, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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great website
interesting website
very informative website
Enjoying all your pictures and descriptions…thanks!