Today, July 28, is Independence Day for Peru.
I could weave some elaborate metaphor/parallel about how this also means a day of independence for me (I’m Peruvian), because tomorrow I coincidentally hit the road for Argentina. That would be corny, though, and I don’t think it merits further explanation.
I ate dinner yesterday at the Taste of Portugal BBQ restaurant with my cousin. It was one of those family-owned ethnic restaurants with the low-quality menu and humble atmosphere, so low-key you’d walk by it if you didn’t already know it was there, The Leaky Cauldron-style.
It was my first time doing eating Portuguese food and it won’t be the last. The steak practically fell apart in my mouth. Delicious.
Anyway, I’m writing about Portuguese food to illustrate my love for trying out foods from different cultures. Turkish food is great. So is Peruvian (that’s almost cheating, haha). I love sushi. I have yet to try out much Indian food, though when I worked at Dunkin’ Donuts in my younger years, I shared some spicy stuff with my coworkers and it wasn’t too bad.
I think that having an interest in other cultures, trying out new things, etc., is important.
Manu Chao, an internationally recognized musician I love, likes to globetrot. He said in an interview once that he loves traveling and that his career as a musician is really an excuse for him to continue his exploits around the world. Thing is, he likes to get to know the local population. You know, real, everyday people, whatever that means.
He found all of the members of his band, Mano Negra, in the subways of Paris, where their best musical education was to find a way to play music people could identify with enough to stop and listen. With that band, he also once rented a train car and traveled up and down the countryside in South America playing free concerts for the masses in small towns, etc.
He’s definitely got a broader perspective, and I hope I can get a small piece of that while abroad. Here he is playing Clandestino, a song about the plight that immigrants face around the world:
Location: East Stroudsburg, PA, United States
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Wow, the food looks great. I’m salivating right now.