Author Archives: zow5029

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This is Ziqi Wu and you can call me Leila if you like. I’m a sophomore majoring in Japanese and Psychology with an International minor. I will study abroad in Nagoya Japan next semester from Jan 7th to May 22rd. I’m excited about my life in Japan because next spring is the best time for me to visit Japan. I can go to the famous hot springs, see the beautiful sakura. More than that, the 15th movie of Detective Conan is going to release in April and Taylor Swift will hold her concert in Japan too!

There are two big holidays during the spring semester in Japan. One is the national university entrance exam vacation and the other one is the spring vacation. Also, Nagoya is right there, somehow in the middle of Japan. That’s really convenience for me to travel to different cities and taste delicious food. I will definitely travel with IES abroad field trip and also take some self trips to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and other famous cities in Japan. Well, I hope to take as many photos as I can and share them with you all!


Location: Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan