So I have been in Rome for about two weeks now but it feels like I have been here for months already! Getting adjusted has been very difficult and overwhelming but I know that once I become more familiar with the area, the transportation systems, and the culture of Italy, I will be able to fully adjust to the change! I have also met a lot of great people that helped to make the adjustment a lot less stressful.
Last Sunday, January 15, we traveled three hours to visit the town of Todi. We explored the quaint town and truly grasped the beauty of Italy. Standing on top of the mountain overlooking the town, I was mesmerized by how magnificent Italy was. I knew how beautiful Italy was through pictures and word of mouth but actually being able to see it truly took my breath away.

After we explored Todi, we hopped back on the bus and traveled thirty minutes to Titignana, Umbria. The picture below was taken on top of the mountain of Umbria before we began to have a lavish twelve course meal! When Italians say they are going to feed you, they really feed you! The food kept coming and each meal was more delicious than the next! We were also provided with endless amounts of wine! All in all, the day was absolutely incredible!
This week was our first week of class. So far, they seem like they will be very interesting and fun to learn more about the place I will be living in for four months. But now that I am settled in and started classes, it is time to really venture out and explore Rome!
Location: Rome, Italy