Author Archives: Kaitlyn O Torres

Returning to my Granada

Going back to a place that you love in my opinion is even more exciting than going to a place for the first time. In Spring of 2014, I studied abroad in Granada, Spain with IES and fell in love with the enchanting city. When I first decided to study in Spain I thought it would just add a nice international experience to my degree. I really had no intention of learning too much Spanish ( I don’t really know what I was thinking) . I arrived in January and was greeted by the staff of IES, day one speaking Spanish. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. Those two days of orientation were a blur to me. We finally were able to connect with our host families. That is when I met my host mom , she greeted me with 2 kisses and then we were off to her house. My first couple weeks were really hard, because It was difficult to communicate with her. However with the support of both my host mom and my program I learned a tremendous amount of Spanish and felll in love with my Granada.

From the day I got home I was “Granada-sick” and needing to go back. I was determined to find a away. So after A LOT of planning, and taking with advisors and emailing and calling the consulate it was official I would be going back to Spain for the summer and for the Fall semester of 2015 with IES Abroad.

 My blog is going to be a bit of my adventure this summer and also my experience this semester studying. I am absolutely loving life here and enjoying every tinto de verano *wine with lemon fanta*, every pallea, torilla and siesta. I’m falling in love with my Granada again , with the people and with the atomosphere.

I thought it would be fitting to show pictures of the place where my love for Spain and Granada all started:


Iglesia de Santa Ana- Church arches from the IES Center


IES Granda Building


 Plaza Nueva- Where IES is located

Cant wait to keep you all updated on my journey,

Un besito,


Location: Plaza Nueva Granada