Author Archives: jem5489

First Weekend in Mexico

Well I survived my first week in Mexico. I think the tricky part will be getting through my first week of school. It feels so weird to write this in english. As I write I have spanish words in my cabeza (head) just screaming to get out. 

The flight here was rather uneventful. Chelsie(mi amiga) and I flew into Houston from Pittsburgh. We did fly over the Mississippi and the pictures online don’t even come close to how bad the flooding is. This was one of the pictures taken from the airplane. 


From Houston we continued onto Leon, Mexico. As soon as we touched down, I could feel the heat engulf our plane. We left the plane and went through customs. I of course was lucky enough to be searched. So up on the table went my three bags. As we came out there was a huge group of people just waiting ( I guess for loved ones) to get off the plane. We must have looked pretty different. There was a lot of staring going on. Just to give you an idea of how hot it was. We were standing in the parking lot for what could not have been longer then 15 minutes. The heat hitting the paved parking lot cased my ears to be sun burned. We were loaded into two vans. I was in the back and off course my seat belt was broke. Our driver was very efficient. He assured that we arrived quickly ( by going 80/90 mph and passing people in no passing zones). Needless to say one of the more scarier rides of my life. We arrived at our hotel however in one piece. Well its time to leave for school. I will write more later! 

Location: Guanajuato, Mexico


Greetings Cyber world! My name is Jamie and I am currently a sophomore at PSU Altoona. I am a Security and Risk Analysis Major and a Spanish Minor. I am what is called an Altoona major which means I will be at Altoona all four years. I know I am weird…I mean why wouldn’t I want to come to Main right? But I love Altoona and am glad to be staying.

This summer ( right after finals!!!!) I will be heading down south of the border to Guanajuato, Mexico. I will be living with a host family and will be taking classes in Spanish and Mexican culture. I am so excited to be practicing my Spanish and to really work on my language skills.

Well wish me luck! 

Location: Altoona, PA