Starting to Feel Like Home

Have I really only been in Germany for 13 days? It feels like it’s been so much longer. Of course I mean that in a good way, though. We have constantly been on the move in Pforzheim, Germany (where I’m staying), and I have even traveled a little bit outside of the program.

The university in Pforzheim seems like a home away from Penn State now. After initially getting lost trying to find our classrooms (and begging a few students to help us), we can now navigate the halls like pros. I even mustered up the courage yesterday to try the vending machine pizza. Although I probably won’t ever try that again…

This past weekend, we were given two days of free time: Sunday and Monday. Even though two days might not seem like a lot of time, to me it sounded like the perfect amount of time to organize a trip to Prague, Czech Republic. I was to travel in a car with four others and another car was also going holding five more people. After a slight change of plans when we found out that the rental car company was closed in Pforzheim and a train to Stuttgart, we were on our way. All I can say about driving in foreign countries is thank goodness for our GPS! Prague was beautiful and full of so many new and different things to see. I only wish I had more time than roughly 24 hours to spend there.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic

Even though my hostel does not always have consistent Wi-Fi or my mother’s cooking, I still feel perfectly at home.

Location: Pforzheim, Germany

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